Ing. Jay Rose

Ing. Jay Rose

Certifikovaný rodilý mluvčí/

Hi dear reader. This is something very short about someone very passionate about what he´s been doing for the last 15 years. I´m a former rugby player from South Africa who graduated as a mechanical engineer at CVUT in 2002. I started teaching English in the same year and got certification of English language teaching to adults from Cambridge University in 2004. I loved the methodology of teaching which in the years eventually brought me to coaching softskills in companies. In 2010 I moved for 3 years to Vietnam, Gambodia and Laos as a business director to recruit and coach local businessmen to sell luxury items and investment tools from the stockmarkets in Belgium for one Czech company. In 2013 and 2014 I was a sales coach and motivational speaker for large numbers of small businessmen across central and eastern Europe selling perfumes and food supplements and in 2015 a sales manager for the biggest Czech multiretailer. Settling down in Znojmo 2017, I returned to what I love - teaching and coaching. My mission is to help anyone from school youngsters to career professionals get better at overcoming communication obstacles...oh, and I got to say the wine here is great!


Jazykan - jazyková škola ve Znojmě
Horní náměstí 17, Znojmo, 66902



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